Exciting News: Our New Name and Brand!

We are so excited to share that The Foundation for Living Beauty is now officially the Living Beauty Cancer Foundation! In recent months, the Living Beauty team and board have been working to implement a brand update that we feel better represents the organization that we have grown into for the past 19 years.

Inspired by Living Beauties

Our new brand and aesthetic were created with Living Beauties (the women we serve) in mind. As we have grown over recent years, the stories they have shared with us and the connections we have made with the women we serve have inspired us to bring new light and life to Living Beauty to represent the vital work that we do.

Elevating Our Brand

We have worked to elevate the brand and make sure that the light and energy that Living Beauties bring to every program shines through in our updated logo and new colors. With elements of the earth’s energy and the warmth that we have experienced with one another at retreats in mind, we chose four new beautiful colors.

Our new color palette. Four different sized circles, each a different color: lavender, cream, sage, and terracotta.

Updated Logo with Meaning

We have also updated our logo! The lotus flower is still the main focal point. It is a symbol of perseverance and beauty shining through the murky waters of life and represents the resilience of Living Beauties. The ribbon in the middle represents the cancer journey and resembles a woman sitting in the lotus yoga position. The thinner lines are used to improve connection and symmetry.Logo featuring a lotus flower at the top center. Below, the text 'Living Beauty Cancer Foundation' in a clean, modern font.

Celebrating Growth and Connection

Living Beauty Cancer Foundation has seen such amazing growth in recent years, and we are so excited to have had so many amazing Living Beauties, donors, supporters, and facilitators on this journey with us. Our new brand represents the connection between all of us and the beauty that all of you bring to this amazing organization.

Support Our Mission

If you would like to support the Living Beauty Cancer Foundation and help provide vital wellness and support services free of charge to women with cancer, you can become a monthly donor!

Interested in Learning More About Our Programs and Services?

Learn more about Living Beauty’s programs and services here.

Think Twice! Our Gut Is Our Second Brain

By Jessica Baker RN, BSN, E-RYT 500, YTRX


Have you ever gone with your “gut instinct?” Did you know this decision was based out of your second brain? Hidden throughout the digestive system this second brain is expanding medicine’s understanding of the link between digestion, health, emotions and even the way we think!

What is the digestive system?

Our digestive system is made up of the digestive tract, also referred to as the gut, and 3 accessory solid organs. The digestive tract is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. These hollow organs include the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and the anus. The solid accessory organs are the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Simply, this series of hollow and solid organs allows the body to get the nutrients and energy it needs from the foods we eat.


East Vs West

For thousands of years eastern medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, have taught that the gut is the foundation of health. Their teachings prove how our gut can directly affect both our mind and body. Within the last several years, western medicine concepts have begun to explore this relationship more in-depth; citing the understanding of the links between digestion, mood, health and the way we think.


Trust Your Gut – Enteric Nervous System

We often hear people say “trust your gut” when faced with decisions in which we express doubt. Trusting your gut is a reliable way for when you feel as if you are at the crossroads of a decision. And without a doubt, science can prove this! The enteric nervous system (ENS), this brain in our gut, is an enormous number of neurons found within the gastrointestinal tract. These neurons are responsible for controlling the many functions of our GI tract. It is said, the ENS has more neurons than in the entire spinal cord! What’s amazing about the ENS system is that it works independently of our central nervous system, the system found in our brain and spinal cord. This network of neurons uses the same chemicals and cells of the brain to help us digest and alert us to when something is amiss. The ENS can gather information about the conditions inside your GI tract, process the information and generate a response without sending it back to your brain. This is the magic and science of our gut instinct!


The Vagus Nerve and Our Gut Microbiome

Vagus is the Latin word for wandering. The longest of the cranial nerves, the vagus nerve runs from your brain to your large intestine. Unlike some of our cranial nerves, this nerve has both sensory and motor functions. The superpowers of the vagus nerve serve as a bridge linking our gut microbiome to our brain. Our gut microbiome is made of trillions of microscopic organisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. These microbiotas are found in the stomach and small intestine, with the greatest number found in the large intestine. You really can’t get through a day without seeing an article or social media post about our gut microbiome. And honestly, the gut microbiome should be a leading headline! Our gut microbiome is not a one size fits all; It is unique to each and every one of us! When our microbiome is healthy and thriving, we thrive too. But if our microbiome is polluted with pests, it has the ability to upset our whole-body system. While Western medicine has always known the importance of the microbiome, they are learning more about how it directly affects our health and well-being.


Support Your Gut Health

Supporting our digestive health is just not about eating the right foods but also paying attention to our daily habits and routines. As you have learned by now, it’s all connected!


Here are 10 ways to support a healthy gut.


Fiber — Most women do not get enough fiber in a day. It is recommended to consume at least 25g of fiber through whole foods. Good sources of fiber are found in avocados, legumes, whole grains, crunchy green vegetables, bananas/berries/apples and nuts/seeds.


Fermented Foods — Fermented foods are beneficial as they have been known to be antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. These foods include yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, apple cider vinegar and sourdough bread.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids — These fatty acids curb inflammation in the blood vessels and the rest of the body. Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in: fatty fish (salmon/tuna), flax/chia seeds, walnuts and eggs.


Prebiotics & Probiotics — Prebiotic (fibers) help feed and strengthen probiotic bacteria. Probiotics help replenish the good bacteria that naturally occur in a healthy intestine. All prebiotics are dietary fiber! Probiotics can be found in all fermented foods! (Examples listed above in the complimentary category) Pre/Probiotics are also the most popular supplement and are readily available just about everywhere.


Limit Added Sugars — Excessive sugar consumption increases the growth rate of bad bacteria disrupting the microbiome balance. Limit foods with added sugar (not including natural sugars as found in fruits/vegetables) to about 24g a day.


Stay Hydrated — Staying properly hydrated is important for supporting digestion and maintaining proper bowel function. Before taking that first sip of caffeine in the AM, drink a glass of water to start your rehydration cycle. Set a goal to drink at least 8 -10 glasses of water throughout the day.


Sleep — Does poor sleep cause an imbalanced gut microbiome or does an imbalanced gut microbiome disrupt sleep? We are still trying to figure this out. Keep consistent sleep patterns. Engage in calming activities before bed to signal to your body that is time to start winding down. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night.


Breathing — Abdominal breathing, also called diaphragmatic breathing, is a type of breathing for which our stomach expands on the inhale and contracts on the exhale. Activating the diaphragm creates a gentle massage action for our GI organs. (Lie flat or in a reclined resting position. Place 1 hand on your abdomen. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose into your abdomen allowing it to rise. Exhale through your mouth, allowing your abdomen to contract. Repeat this breath series 5-7 times.)


Exercise/Movement — Movement improves circulation. When our gut has “good flow” it becomes stronger and better able to maintain the right balance of healthy bacteria. We have slowly become a society of immobility largely due to the advancements of technology. So, let’s get moving! Walking, biking, and yoga are just a few of the exercises shown to improve overall gut health. Make movement a priority in your everyday!


Meditation & Stress Reduction — Meditation has been found to reduce levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol, all biological markers of stress. Take a 5-minute break! Find a quiet space to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and repeat silently “May this be of benefit to me.” While gently inhaling and exhaling repeat this affirmation repeatedly. Visualize receiving positive energy from the earth and your surroundings.


In Summary

Our daily lifestyle habits and the foods we choose to put into our bodies become vital to our physical and emotional well-being. Science has shown us that not only does our GI tract have the ability to gather information but to also process it. So, the next time your gut is talking to you…take some time to listen. It’s much smarter than you may have once thought!



(12/2017) NIH (NIDDK) Your digestive system and how it works.

(09/2023) Cleveland Clinic. Body Systems & Organs. The Gut-Brain Connection.

(08/2023) Cleveland Clinic. Body Systems & Organs. Gut Microbiome.


If you liked this post check out this one about redefining anxiety!

If you would like to support the Living Beauty Cancer Foundation and help provide vital wellness and support services free of charge to women with cancer you can become a monthly donor!

Learn more about Living Beauty’s programs and services here!

Simple Ways to Send Love to a Woman with Cancer this Valentine’s Day!


Happy Valentine’s Day from the Foundation for Living Beauty! Today we are filled with so much love and gratitude for our Living Beauties as they allow us to be a part of their cancer journey helping them to explore wellness and connect with one another!


This Valentine’s Day there are so many ways to support a woman with cancer in your life. Often having to ask and organize help for themselves can be a straining task when they are in treatment. When a loved one offers their help or takes it upon themselves to tell a woman with cancer what they will do for her it takes the pressure off!


To help with this, we have compiled a list of ways you can support a woman with cancer in your life, suggested to us by Living Beauties!


  • Request a free wellness kit be sent to a woman with cancer! These kits are filled with an array of specially curated goodies to help her feel comfortable while in treatment. Please contact [email protected] to request a kit to be sent out to a woman with cancer.
  • Offer to walk her dog or take care of her pet for a few hours!
  • Go grocery shopping for her or pick up some home essentials she may need to stock up on.
  • Pick up or drop off her children from school or offer to drive them to after school activities.
  • Provide your driving services for any of her doctor’s appointments, to pick up medications or any other errands that she may need to run.


Making a woman with cancer feel loved on Valentine’s Day and every day is so important and we know this list will help you bring love and light to their life!


If you would like to make a donation to support women with cancer and the programs we provide click here!

Read About our Beauty of Change Fashion Show and Cocktail Party!

On October 26th The Foundation for Living Beauty held our Beauty of Change Fashion Show and Cocktail Party fundraising event! The event was in partnership with two amazing women-owned fashion brands, Everviolet which makes lingerie designed for women with cancer, and StyleEsteem, which makes beautiful turbans and headpieces. The stunning pieces from both of these brands were modeled at the event by our Living Beauties, the women with cancer that we serve!



It was a truly inspiring evening as guests heard the stories of two of our Living Beauties Ali Spuck and Erin Gershik, who is also our board chair! Watching our models strut their stuff on the runway in front of 100 people was so exciting and moving as we had watched their confidence grow tremendously from the morning rehearsal to the evening show! It was so exciting and moving to see the sisterhood they share with each other on their cancer journey and their courage when modeling the beautiful lingerie and turbans.



We are so grateful to all those who supported the event as well as our amazing sponsors City of Hope, UCLA Health, Thrive Causemetics, Printspot, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Lemon Drop Cookie Shop, and Exnihilo Paris. And a very special thank you to Kiera Kotler from Everviolet and Sonya Keshwani from StyleEsteem for partnering with Living Beauty and allowing us to feature their amazing fashions!



To learn more how to support The Foundation for Living Beauty and our mission to educate, uplift and empower women with cancer visit www.livingbeauty.org/get-involved/donate!



Meet Living Beauty Executive Director Nancy Davidson!

Nancy Davidson is the Foundation for Living Beauty’s Executive Director! We are so grateful for her commitment to growing the organization and expanding our reach to serve even more women!

Keep reading to hear from her about her time at Living Beauty!


Nancy (second from the left) with Living Beauties at our golf tournament!

Hi, I’m Nancy, the Executive Director of The Foundation for Living Beauty. I have spent more than 35 years in non-profit management, and I love what I do with Living Beauty! Once I met Amie Satchu and learned more about Living Beauty, I knew this was where I wanted to be. I have been with the organization since 2016, and we have grown and changed so much in that time! From around 300 women then to more than 1,400 women now, our programs and services have evolved to meet a growing and more geographically diverse sisterhood.

I love our Living Beauties. I love the fact that they are willing to share their journeys with us. I love the connection we have with them, and the changes I see in their lives as they experience wellness retreats, workshops, movement classes and sisterhood events. I’m proud that we are making a difference in their lives during such a challenging time, and that we are there to experience both the highs and lows with them and walk beside them.

Speaking of our Living Beauties, I am so excited about our upcoming Beauty of Change fashion show on October 26th! Our lovely beauties will model lingerie created for women with cancer by everviolet. Not only is it a beautiful event, but it is a self-affirming, confidence-building, amazing experience for women who are embracing their new normal after cancer. There’s never a dry eye in the house, and I love bringing this experience to our women and to our supporters!

I’m so grateful to be with Living Beauty, and with the amazing team of women who make everything possible. Indyra, Ariana, Mariella and Jade are the best, and together, we are creating magic!

Living Beauty Celebrates International Day of Yoga!

June 21st is International Day of Yoga and it also happens to be the Summer Solstice! The Summer Solstice happens every year when one of the Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt towards the sun and it marks the start of summer.  It is the longest day of the year and in many cultures throughout history, it is seen as a day of celebration often marked with festivals and rituals. It is known to represent the transition from action to nourishment and the journey from darkness to light. Because of the extra sunlight, the solstice is associated with nourishment, fertility, and sensuality. This time of year, we are more connected with nature and each other! It is a great time to come together with others, enjoy the local fresh foods that are in season and connect with your body.


Considering the International Day of Yoga falls on the Summer Solstice, a yoga practice is the perfect way to celebrate the change in season and get more in tune with your body! The International Day of Yoga was officially recognized by The United Nations in 2014 and was created to raise awareness of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Yoga can increase strength, flexibility and balance which helps reduce pain and inflammation in the body. It reduces stress, improves sleep and increases your energy overall improving your mental resilience. When the proposal to create a day celebrating Yoga was introduced to the United Nations by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, he stated, “Yoga is an invaluable gift from our ancient tradition. Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action … a holistic approach [that] is valuable to our health and our well-being. Yoga is not just about exercise; it is a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature.”



The Foundation for Living Beauty brings yoga to the women we serve all year round because of its amazing physical and mental health benefits. This year we are celebrating International Yoga Day together with a day retreat! Led by the wonderful Yoga Therapist and Living Beauty Sharon Holly, our International Day of Yoga Day Retreat is bringing together Living Beauties in Santa Monica to spend the day practicing yoga, mindfulness and meditation to help them on their cancer journey. Sharon Holly is certified in yoga4cancer, a yoga practice specifically designed to address the physical and mental side effects of cancer and its treatment on our bodies. This day of yoga will allow Living Beauties to practice self-care, learn tools to heal their bodies and minds, and connect with one another.



We are so grateful to be able to spend the International Day of Yoga and the Summer Solstice with our Living Beauties! Don’t forget to spend time this summer nourishing your body, enjoying nature and connecting with others!


If you are a woman with cancer and would like to participate in programs like our International Day of Yoga Day Retreat click here to become a Living Beauty!


Read more about yoga4cancer on our here!





Living Beauty Debuts a Brand-New Overnight Retreat!

Last week, twenty-two Living Beauties gathered at the beautiful UCLA Lake Arrowhead retreat center for our first-ever Elemental Overnight Retreat led by the amazing Kristin Dwan! The retreat was specially designed by Kristin and Indyra, Living Beauty’s program director, to take Living Beauties on a journey through the five elements exploring their healing powers. What is even more special about this collaboration is that Kristin is a Living Beauty herself and while attending a retreat at Lake Arrowhead in 2022, her and Indyra were inspired to create the Elemental Retreat. Six months later the seed of an idea that they planted at that retreat came to fruition and the rest is history!


Kristin leading Living Beauties in a workshop about our inner child and how our conscious mind is formed as a child.


The retreat was created around the 5 elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Each element has specific qualities that can be harnessed to help anyone on their journey through life and more specifically for our Living Beauties their healing journey after cancer. At the retreat, we used Earth to ground our intentions, Water to cleanse and feel them, Air to dream and clear your mind, Fire to activate and Spirit to connect and level up your healing intentions.


Each of these candles represents an element. Kristin used them to call in the elements during our practice. The candles surrounding the elements represent a Living Beauty and her intention for the retreat.


Everyone Living Beauty created a seed (or intention) for the retreat that they spent the 3 days focusing on bringing into existence. Kristin helped guide them through this process by leading Living Beauties in hypnotic journeys, breath work, reiki, healing time in nature, a bonfire to cut cords with worries and create a clean slate, and deep connection and sharing time with each other.


After the retreat one Living Beauty stated, “I have a new sense of self. I feel lighter than I did when I first got here. I am extremely overwhelmed with love and acceptance. This is exactly what my heart needed.”


We are so grateful to Kristin for bringing her expertise in Hypnotherapy, Reiki and navigating the elements to The Foundation for Living Beauty! You can learn more about her practice and get in contact with her by visiting www.thehealingwoods.com. As always Indyra created and executed an amazing retreat and we can’t wait for the next one!



If you are a woman with cancer, click here to learn more about how to become a Living Beauty and participate in retreats like this one! To donate to The Foundation for Living Beauty and help provide more programs like these to women with cancer please visit www.livingbeauty.org/get-involved/donate/.




Meet Living Beauty Program Director Indyra Flores!

Indyra Flores is the Foundation for Living Beauty’s Program Director! Her role at the foundation is to create and execute all of the amazing holistic wellness programs we offer to women with cancer. We are so grateful for her dedication and the incredible work she does!

Keep reading to hear from her about her job as Program Director for Living Beauty!

Hello Living Beauty Community!

I am the program director here at this amazing organization that supports women with cancer through holistic programming. I am so fortunate to be a part of creating the experiences that make up what Living Beauty is about. My background in psychology, energy work and body work helps me see the healing process as a holistic experience; one that addresses the body, mind and spirit. I also use a trauma-informed approach when creating programs for Living Beauty; keeping in mind the taxing experience of cancer treatment. I believe that ultimately, the healing journey is the path where we remember the connection we have to our Selves. There are so many ways to find that, and I am so grateful for the knowledgeable facilitators that join our Living Beauty family to help guide you there.

I enjoy what I do so much! I love helping people find the tools they need to heal, find the connection with each other and themselves.

I am entering my 10th year here at this wonderful organization. I look forward to serving you for many more!


Announcing Our New Living Beauty Marketplace!

The Foundation for Living Beauty is so excited to announce the official launch of our Living Beauty Marketplace! You can now shop the collection of amazing goodies here and all net proceeds from your purchase go directly to providing holistic wellness programs and support services to women with cancer!


The Foundation for Living Beauty aims to educate, uplift, and empower women with cancer and cancer survivors. Proceeds from your purchase on our marketplace help to further our mission and reach even more women who need the support we provide. The goal of our marketplace is to feature women-owned brands and provide products that are designed for women with cancer in mind.


Our marketplace includes lots of exciting items such as Living Beauty branded clothing, tote bags, hot drink cups,  water bottles and more!



We also have specially curated items on our marketplace from our sponsors. You can purchase items from Everviolet, a woman-owned lingerie company that creates products specifically designed for women with cancer. You can purchase The Untamed Elemental Oracle Set, a beautiful oracle deck created by artist Tasya van Ree who is a generous supporter of The Foundation for Living Beauty. We also have jewelry from Lee Brevard available for purchase designed by a Living Beauty highlighting the lotus flower that is on our logo!

We are so grateful for your support and happy shopping!


You can shop the Living Beauty marketplace and learn more about the brands featured in this post by visiting www.livingbeauty.shop.