
a glass filled with ice, mint and watermelon set on a cutting board with watermelon slices in the background

Self-Care in the Summer

Self-Care in the Summer

It is summertime!  The sun is shining, summer flowers are blooming, and we are slowly beginning to emerge from the hibernation created by the pandemic.  Summer is a time of relaxing and restoring our souls.  We often forget to care for ourselves in our efforts to care for others.  So here is your gentle reminder.  If we don’t care for ourselves, we can’t care for the people who depend on us.  Put yourself first and use some of these self-care tips to rejuvenate your body.

Get a little sun.  Most of us are short on vitamin D, which helps protect our bones and immune system, and protects us against cancer cell growth.  Ten minutes in the sun each day can help boost your vitamin D to healthier levels.  Foods like salmon, mushrooms, orange juice and oatmeal are also high in Vitamin D.

But not too much sun!  Sunburn can cause skin cancer.  If you are going to spend time in the sun, there are lots of healthy sunscreen products available, like Sun Guardian from Odacite, and Sunproof Intensive lip balm from Thrive Causemetics.  If you do get a little too much sun, you can soothe your skin with Skin Food from Weleda.

Let’s go barefoot!  Our bodies absorb radiation from many sources each day.  Health experts tell us that ten minutes barefoot outdoors every day helps ground our bodies and has a number of health benefits, as well as reducing stress, helping with depression and aiding in sleep.  The best place to walk?  The beach.  You can get your ten minutes of vitamin D and help your body at the same time!

Water, water, water.  Water helps hydrate your body during a season when dehydration is more prevalent.  For a different refreshment, infuse your water with fresh fruits, cucumbers or mint.  Lots of bottles have marks on the side to help remind you to keep drinking.  The health benefits of water?  Increased hydration equals better brain function, more energy, more youthful skin and aids in weight loss.  So set that diet soda aside and have a fruit-flavored water instead!

Eat more fruit!  So many of the summer fruits are healthy and delicious.  Some of the summer fruits to enjoy include blackberries, cherries, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries and peaches.  Enjoy them in a salad, in your infuser or on their own!  Most markets and farmer’s markets offer organic fruits.

Rest and relaxation.  We all work hard.  Summer is a time for relaxation and restoration.  Take a day off and go to the beach, or the park.  Read that book you have been putting aside.  Pamper yourself.

Celebrate your life.  Take a few minutes in the morning to write down the things for which you are grateful.  Take a yoga class.  Try meditating outside, in nature.  Listen to music.  Hang out with a friend.  Remember that you are the most important, and that caring for yourself enables you to care for others.  You can also serve as a role model for self-care and its importance to our health and wellbeing.

close up image of a white origami crane against a whicker basket

Weekly Wednesday Inspiration: Paper Cranes

Long regarded in Japanese culture, origami is a calming and meditative practice that produces some stunning, simple art. Often mimicking real life and nature, origami paper folds to create cranes, lotuses and other peaceful symbols.


Cranes in particular have a special place in history as origami’s finest representative. Tradition holds that folding 1,000 paper cranes can bring good fortune and peace to many occasions. Couples often fold cranes before their weddings for prosperity, while the cranes can also be folded in hopes of healing from illness, giving congratulations on an anniversary or celebrating family.


At FFLB, there’s always a lot to reflect on, especially around our tenth anniversary. We’ve introduced cranes as a meditative craft idea. Whether it be during a treatment or in hopes of uplifting another Beauty, folding cranes is a tradition with potential for harmony.

Thank you to our amazing women who have contributed cranes! We hope these stand as symbols for your happiness, well being and importance to our community. Interested in making your own cranes? We’ve hunted down some of the finest instructions on the web. Tavin’s Origami Instructions has a helpful video, and we also like this step by step diagram.

Let us know how your crane folding journey goes, or shoot us a picture of your success! Plus, watch for cranes on our Instagram, @livingbeautyorg.