
Foods that Prevent Cancer

“The Key to Starving Cancer: High Fiber & A Healthy Gut”
A Blog Post by Elissa Goodman

Have you heard the idea that we can “starve” our cancer cells? I am not only talking about limiting the harmful foods that fuel their growth. Sure, for most people who have cancer, it is imperative to significantly limit certain foods, like sugar, processed foods and low-quality animal protein, that encourage cancer cells to grow even more. We know that a poor diet is a key factor in increasing your cancer risk. But it goes even further than food being used as cancer fuel. There is a magical aspect of our bodies that actually works to starve cancer from the inside out: the potent cancer-fighting cells that live in our gastrointestinal tract.

If you have taken a basic biology or anatomy class, you have likely heard about the cells that work to strengthen and support the immune system. Like me, your high school years may be a bit behind you, but does the term “Helper T Cell” ring a bell to you? T Cells are the most critical cancer-fighting immune cells in the human body – and research shows that a whopping seventy percent (!!!) of them reside alongside the lining of the GI tract. This is hugely significant because it means that they can be affected by whatever they interact with – the foods we eat and the medications we take. On top of keeping the immune cells in the gut healthy, it is important to keep the rest of the microbiome in the intestinal tract functioning optimally as well because it all relies on each other.

Over the years, the research has seemed to show that, in general, the more variation in intestinal microflora (also known us gut bacteria) someone has, the better their T Cells will stand up to some forms of cancer and the better their immunotherapy response will be. What scientists and doctors are now finding is that it is not just one kind of bacteria in a probiotic that they can prescribe to cancer patients to help with immunotherapy. In fact, recent data has shown that in some cases prescribing a probiotic prior to treatment made the treatment less effective – sometimes by a significant degree. However, what health professionals are discovering is that there is something else they can “prescribe” to increase the likelihood of effective immunotherapy treatment: fiber.

Yes, a high-fiber diet has been shown to increase the chances of successful immunotherapy treatment by fivefold! This is because the good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract feed off of fiber. So, while it is important to have a healthy microbiome within the gut, it is also very important to be feeding it the correct nutrients. Unfortunately, the data is still limited on what, exactly, the best nutrients are for an optimal gut microbiome for cancer patients. One of the main roadblocks on modern research is the fact that pharmaceutical companies are willing to invest in trials that revolve around immunotherapy drugs, but not on nutrition. That is because there is a lot of money in the medication industry, but it is much harder to patent a certain type of eating pattern than a drug. One thing is clear: a healthy gut positively impacts immunotherapy. There are some steps that you can take today to ensure that your gut microbiome is as healthy as possible – especially if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer.



Reduce toxic trigger foods in your diet such as gluten, dairy, sugar, GMO corn & soy, hydrogenated fats, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, processed foods and anything you might be allergic or have a sensitivity to: a food allergy can cause an immune system reaction that affects numerous organs and can be life-threatening. Consider taking a daily probiotic to regenerate healthy bacteria in your gut and improve your immune system (unless you are about to begin immunotherapy treatment in which case, speak with your doctor about whether probiotic supplementation is a good idea for you). My favorite brands for probiotics are Seed, Renew Life and Dr. Ohhira’s. You can also add fermented foods into your diet because they have live probiotic cultures that work to increase the health of your gut and immune system. Some of my favorite fermented foods include coconut kefir, coconut yogurt kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, tempeh, and unpasteurized miso.

You can also supplement daily with L-glutamine, which supports digestion by helping to maintain the mucosal lining of the intestinal tract, which, in turn, supports immune function. Also, it is used throughout the body for tissue repair and immune support. Pure Encapsulations has a fantastic L-Glutamine supplement. I also recommend regularly drinking gut-healing bone broth or adding collagen powder to your nutrient routine. Bone broth contains gelatin- one of the most important nutrients for healing and sealing the gut. It essentially spackles holes in the gut lining, preventing food and bacteria from leaking. My favorite collagen powder is Further Food. You can also take a digestive enzyme because they help to breakdown food better and extract more nutrients. Enzymedica Digest Gold ATPro is wonderful for this. Finally, and most important, add fiber to your diet! Not only does a high-fiber diet fuel the good bacteria in the gut, as I mentioned earlier, it also reduces levels of disease-causing bacteria. We need a minimum of 25 – 35 grams of fiber per day and many people are not consuming anywhere close to that. Some of my favorite sources of fiber are chia seeds, berries, avocados, various legumes and flax seeds.

As always, please speak with a doctor before beginning a new supplement. Happy gut healing!

This post was originally published on Elissa Goodman’s website at – and The Foundation for Living Beauty was given permission by Elissa to republish on our blog.

To learn more about Elissa Goodman, please visit,

The recommendations above are based on the author’s research and findings and do not guarantee the prevention of cancer.

If you enjoyed reading this blog check out this one about cancer-causing foods!

If you would like to support The Foundation for Living Beauty and help provide vital wellness and support services free if charge to women with cancer you can become a monthly donor!

Learn more about Living Beauty here!

How to Prevent Cancer

How To Prevent Cancer
A blog post for The Foundation for Living Beauty by Jovanka Ciares


If anyone had an infallible answer to the question posed in the title of this article, they would be the most powerful human on earth. Cancer touches each and every one of us. You may have struggled with it yourself, may know someone who is or sadly and seemingly inevitably, love someone who will struggle with this disease in your lifetime.

While we are all vulnerable to the disease, living with pollutants, toxins and other substances known as carcinogens inside our bodies, we need never be passive witnesses to the development of cancer or any other life-threatening disease.

First, cancer does not occur overnight. By the time your doctor finds a tumor, those cancerous cells are years old, evolving deep inside of you and struggling to survive and reproduce as your body’s immunity fights to get rid of them. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, your body has an uncanny ability to fight the nastiest of organisms and maintain homeostatic (i.e. internal stability, balance and finally, health).

So, is it possible to prevent cancer, a disease that often takes years to manifest? I believe we can. But you can’t wait one more day; you must start today making changes in your diet and lifestyle that will give you a better chance at preventing these cells from multiplying, turning into cancer and robbing you of many great years. My initial guidelines include:

  • Become a student of your own body: never again should you rely solely on doctors to confirm your state of health. Listen to the cues your body is giving you and use your intuition to look for alternative practices to help you stay stronger, full of energy and health.
  • Start consuming a diet that is 100% whole foods with an 80/20 ratio of plan foods (vegetables, legumes, whole grains) versus animal flesh (meat, fish, dairy, eggs). The goal is to eventually move to a 100% plant-based diet, as the only diet shown to reduce cancer risk across all populations.
  • Learn what nutrients are better at preventing cancer and start incorporating them into your diet. In my work as a Clinical Herbalist, I’m often asked which nutrients or plants have anti-cancerous properties. The answer is always: A lot of them! Too many to mention here but not hard to find with a simple Google search. This shows you that you can find multiple options that you personally love and can enjoy each and every day.

  • Learn about alternative treatments like herbalism, Ayurveda and Chinese medicine as a way to complement your diet, supplement and assist in the healing process. Plants as medicine have been used for over 6,500 years by all cultures around the world and today, they are becoming more mainstream to help you in ways that Western medicine cannot: in the prevention of cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
  • Work to eliminate from your life all relationships or circumstances that cause you high levels of stress, anxiety or unhappiness. Research suggests that chronic stress can make cancerous cells spread faster. Stress hormones can also compromise your immunity, potentially leading to the development of the disease.
  • Embrace regular detox practices like juicing, fasting, sweating or colonics to help reduce the amount of toxins, pollutants, and carcinogens in your system.

While we may never be able to stop the development of diseases like cancer, wouldn’t it be incredible if we can slow it down a few long decades? That’s a bargain I’m happily willing to take.

To learn more about Jovanka, please visit:

or contact Jovanka for an herbal medicine/nutrition assessment session: [email protected]

The recommendations above are based on the author’s research and findings and do not guarantee the prevention of cancer.

If you liked this post check out this one about foods that prevent cancer!

If you would like to support The Foundation for Living Beauty and help provide vital wellness and support services free if charge to women with cancer you can become a monthly donor!

Learn more about Living Beauty here!

a black and white image of two women and a man laughing

Temple City Dental Brings Serendipitous Smiles

There’s nothing like a beautiful smile, and Temple City Dental Care is spreading them in more ways than one.

Now through June 30th, the team at Temple City Dental Care is offering Opalescent treatment, the best teeth whitening system available, at half off for only $150. Part of the proceeds will be donated to children through the Smiles for Life Foundation, and the other half will be shared with…The Foundation for Living Beauty!

Denise Williams-Jones, the office’s scheduling coordinator, first heard our Executive Director Nancy Davidson speak at a Pasadena networking event. “I was in tears. I knew we had to work with them. We’ve worked with different nonprofits over the years, and I knew we had to choose to support these women. Nancy really moved me to participate.”

Williams-Jones brought her story back to Dr. Von Bulow, who soon found himself enjoying lunch at the office while learning more about the foundation. “This is something that has touched everyone. We’ve been doing this program since 1998, and when we met Nancy, it was a no brainer to support these women.”

Adds Denise, “We have been asking, what do THEY need or want? And we’re making it fun. For every milestone in our fundraising, we’re going to spray Dr. V with a super soaker! Maybe we should pie him in the face…”

One loyal patient listened in the lobby, and shared that she in fact had already participated. “The same day they told me about this, I had a close friend get diagnosed. I felt I could do something in her honor this way.”


Call 626.285.3161 to schedule your appointment, or visit



Cancer-Fighting Salad Ingredients

If you’re looking to give your spring salads an extra-healthy boost, we have the ingredient list for you! Sometimes it can be tough to quickly cook up a stellar and well-balanced meal, especially during lunch time. We often find ourselves in the frozen food aisle or microwaving poorly portioned leftovers, neither of which makes for an ideal lunch. So, we put together the perfect list of salad ingredients to stock up your fridge, whether it’s at home or at work. They don’t take up too much space and have tons of nutritious value. Even if you buy salad kits from the grocery store, consider rounding them out by sprinkling in these ingredients!

Pomegranate Seeds

While you can buy whole pomegranates, you’ll save time and work getting packets of seeds alone in the produce section. Delicious with chunks of butternut squash, kale and a huge lineup of fruits, pomegranate seeds also are a prime superfood in the fight against breast cancer. Chemicals in the pom suppress the production of estrogen, which research hopes will help stunt some cancer growth. You can also buy pomegranate seed oil, which is a great addition to your bathroom cabinet for extra skin health.


Another fruit that City of Hope has found helpful against tough breast cancer cases, blueberries are the perfect size for throwing into a spring salad. They taste especially delicious with spinach.


Lentils add lots of texture to your salad, but are also provide Vitamin B and a very healthy form of fiber. Use these and beans to replace lunchtime bread! It’s helpful to cook lentils yourself and be sure to avoid adding too much salt. Lentils are delicious with tons of healthy spices, though, like turmeric and rosemary. Try them with these, kale and chicken for a delicious warm salad!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been a very popular health food for skin and digestion. If you’re having trouble with either, it doesn’t hurt to add a little tang to your salad with a homemade dressing. Try this recipe with honey and dijon mustard. Lots of salad dressings are unfortunately very sugary and fatty, so this is a great homemade alternative! Plus, you can adjust it to your taste.


One of the best ways to get a healthy fat in your diet, some studies say that avocados can fight leukemia and other cancers. Plus, the edge of avocados closest to the skin can be full of cancer-fighting carotenoids, a type of antioxidant. Learn how to reach these when you cut your avocado here, and leave a couple on your desk to ripen up!

a glass cup of tea set on stop of tea leaves with mint sprigs

Talking With: Art of Tea

We’ve been fortunate to have many great facilitators throughout the years at FFLB. One of our generous supporters has helped us “tea” up for greatness over and over again! Steve Schwartz, known throughout his industry as the “Master Tea Blender”, has always been ready to support our women and team with generosity and immense knowledge. We asked him some pressing questions about his area of expertise. Start a brew, sit back and learn a bit about the art of tea!

FFLB: How do you source your tea?

SS: Direct from origin whenever possible. I have relationships with farmers all across the world and work with them to source the top 2% of the world’s finest teas.

FFLB: Can you offer a brief two-sentence summary about tea’s origin?

SS: We believe true tea should come from Asia. All true teas come from the camellia sinensis evergreen shrub, which is the foundation for white, green, oolong, black, and pu-erh teas. If it isn’t from this shrub, it just isn’t a tea.

FFLB: Are there any types of teas that you recommend avoiding? If so, why?

SS: No, any tea that allows you to take a moment out of a busy day – whether it’s for the taste, health benefits, or simple satisfaction that brewing the perfect cup brings – is a good tea in my eyes.

FFLB: Are loose leaves better than teabags? Vice versa? Or is there no difference?

SS: High-quality, organic loose leaf and specialty teas are typically better in quality and taste.

FFLB: The most enriching tea or type of tea for general well-being is ___.

SS: I deeply enjoy gyorkuro for its grounding effect. It has a clean mouth feel and a grassy finish.

FFLB: Is there a type of tea you would recommend for cancer patients?

SS: I would recommend the process of brewing loose leaf teas in general. The mindfulness used in preparing the water, selecting the leaves, brewing the tea, and finally enjoying the cup can be highly therapeutic.

FFLB: The most popular tea from the Art of Tea collection is ___.

SS: That’s a close one. I’d say it’s a toss-up between our Earl Grey Crème and Classic Black teas.

FFLB: The healthiest and most effective tea sweetener is ___.

SS: I recommend either stevia leaf or raw local honey.

FFLB: How does tea compare to pure water consumption?

SS: 98% of what is consumed while drinking tea is water, making it a great way to hydrate while also experiencing the benefits of whatever tea is brewed. Therefore, a great water source is very important for enhancing the tea experience.

FFLB: Forget jam and bread! The best tea-time snack in your opinion is ___.

SS: Fresh baked, warm chocolate chip cookies.

Follow Art of Tea on Instagram, and take a look at their award-winning teas on!

Featured image. 

a woman showing another woman how to do a yoga pose with their hands in the air

A Moment With Tari Prinster of Yoga 4 Cancer

FFLB has been blessed with the skills and advice of Tari Prinster on multiple occasions, especially in yoga sessions on retreats with Living Beauties. A cancer survivor herself, Tari has been deemed a Selfless Service Leader by Yoga Journal. She graciously answered some of our questions about four basic poses to help patients center themselves and relieve some stresses and aches during treatment. Each pose is accompanied by an illustrated guide. Thank you for your amazing insights, Tari!

1. The Best Pose for activating the lymph and circulatory system to detox the body: Knock-Kneed Cactus. 

Tari emphasized the importance of restorative poses with action quality post-chemotherapy. 

knock kneed catcus

2. A good pose to manage middle back (thoracic) tension: Restorative Fish

restorative fish

3. For Activating Digestion: Cat and Cow (Im. 1) ; For Calming Digestion: Restorative Cobbler (Im. 2)


restorative cobbler

4. For Peace of Mind and Meditation: A Base Meditation Pose, And Tari’s Advice on Preparing.


“Taking time to breathe can lead quite naturally into a moment of meditation. To begin, sit in dynamic stillness. You can also meditate lying down, standing, or walking, but a comfortable, upright seat is an ideal physical container to develop a wakeful, relaxed mental state…In meditation, we begin to tame our monkey mind, first my choosing a point of focus. Your focal point can be your breathing, a visualization, a mantra or a guided journey…No matter the state in which you find your mind, be kind to yourself.”

All of this article’s poses and illustrations can be found in Tari’s book, Yoga For Cancer. Add it to your collection for a daily dose of healing, exercise and spiritual wellness! 

Featured photo via Mantra Mag.

Need a mat, blanket or yoga blocks for your practice?

Gardening: Planting Seeds of Growth During Cancer

Google “gardening and cancer“, and you’ll be amazed at the long list of overwhelmingly positive results. At FFLB, we love practices that restore peace to both mind and body. While the list of benefits named by cancer patients is endless, here are some of gardening’s most impressive accolades:

3 in 4 gardeners surveyed said that gardening helped them manage feelings of depression and sadness during treatment, while over half of gardeners in another survey found more energy as a result of gardening during treatment. A third of gardeners in that survey also noted that gardening helped them manage weight gain in response to treatment.



The vast options for gardens’ contents also act as healing. If a patient doesn’t feel up to maintaining a full garden, a pot or windowsill box can still be beautiful daily treats. A garden might also act as a memorial for a loved one or friend. Whether you plant vegetables to encourage healthy eating or aromatic herbs to bring peace, gardens can provide something for every aspect of your journey with cancer.

If you don’t have a green thumb, gardening can still enhance your journey. Restorative gardens, sometimes specific for cancer patients, are designed using therapeutic techniques and activities. Patients and their loved ones can find mental peace in these gardens, often with opportunities like art therapy, meditation and yoga. Some gardens even have “plant-free” sections for patients who must avoid allergens. This article lists some of the best restorative gardens in the world. Nearby, be sure to try City of Hope in Duarte’s Argyros Family and Japanese Gardens. They look peaceful and calming! Although they aren’t specifically for cancer patients, The Huntington Gardens and Descanso Gardens make great healing spots right near FFLB.

City of Hope's Japanese Gardens

Want to plan your own garden? We suggest you plant lavender, rosemary, oregano, carrots, spinach or wildflowers. They’re all easy to maintain and beautiful, too!


via Filcker/woodleywonderworks

a cup of green tea leaves steeping in water

Tea Time

Tea cleanses and detoxes have been trending all over the internet lately. From celebrities and models to bloggers, it seems like everyone believes in the power of tea. Turns out, a “tea-tox” doesn’t have to be strict or branded to have refreshing health benefits. We recently stumbled across an article by a Marie Claire writer, who tripled her intake of daily tea and saw incredible results. By drinking 9-10 cups of tea a day, including heavy green tea consumption, the author felt softer skin and majorly improved hydration, as well as a calmed sensation throughout the day.

Fukamushi Sencha

With such enticing benefits, we decided to research the benefits and rules of tea in regards to cancer. Both green teas and black teas contain great antioxidant boosts. Tea polyphenols have also been proven in lab tests to help lessen UV damage, modulate immune systems and protect against tumor development. One study also showed slightly positive effects of tea on cancerous oral lesions. Another study demonstrated that among participants drinking 10 cups or more of green tea daily, risks of cancer incidences decreased. The study also revealed the tea’s cardiovascular benefits. While many other studies have been inconclusive as to tea’s specific cancer fighting benefits, it has been deemed a very safe means of hydration, particularly when decaffeinated.

We’re pleased to enjoy Art of Tea at FFLB. With the ultimate fresh brews and some gorgeous “blooming” teas, they light up our day and keep us hydrated. We’re sure they’ll do the same for you as well! Halo - Award Winning

What to Wear During Treatment

Chemotherapy and dialysis treatments can be exhausting, and FFLB knows the power of experiencing cancer treatment with as much comfort and peace as possible. We’ve picked up information from cancer patients and professionals on the most comfortable treatment-wear ideas. Many of the options are extremely affordable, so you can have a wide array of choices to feel comfortable and enter treatment with confidence.

Forever 21

Camisoles are among the best and most affordable layering pieces for treatment. Choose a cotton tank for breathability, and head to bargain brands for affordable pricing. Forever 21 has a rainbow of cotton options, many under a few dollars. Layer the camisole over a bra and you’ll have an easily movable top for port access.

Treatment can be chilly, and we’ve heard a few good tips for layering over a camisole. Flannels are a great option, because they’re easy to button up and down and have rollable sleeves. Cotton button downs are similarly great choices. Searching for flannels at a consignment or thrift store is a good place to start. These stores usually have very affordable button-downs passed along by men, so they provide extra cozy and almost blanket-like warmth for only a few dollars. Old Navy also has some colorful options under $30.

Old Navy

Ponchos and capes make for extremely cozy and accessible options, too. They’re stylish for wearing outside of treatment and can be layered over camisoles, flannels or both. This under-$50 option is a great example-warm, cozy and better fitted than a blanket, but easy to maneuver around. We found a very fashion forward Free People poncho on sale for less than $50, too. Want to make your own poncho? Here’s a great no-sew DIY! Decorating and bedazzling your poncho with special sayings and ideas can also be a fun craft and uplifting reminder during treatment.


As far as specific products that work well for patients in treatment, we found a few well-reviewed ideas. Ron Wear, recently featured on Yahoo and supported by cancer survivor Robin Roberts, has a line of sweatsuits that contain zip-able holes in the arms, chest and legs for ease of access during treatment. The suits’ warmth and normal appearance have impressed many cancer patients and made treatments more bearable. Chemo cozy has some beautiful options too. Their port-accessible fleeces could work just as well on a nature walk as during treatment. We also found some affordable camisoles made specifically for post-mastectomy wear.

Chemo Cozy

We want to hear from our Beauties and other members of the community: What do you recommend wearing to treatments? What makes you most comfortable and lets your inner beauty shine through?

an amber bracelet on a white background

Baltic Amber: Nature’s Ibuprofen

Nature can have gentle, subtly healing elements- and they can also be an easy, everyday part of your style routine! After experiencing Hazelaid‘s hazel wood bracelets as helpful with skin ailments like eczema, we caught up with the company to learn about the potential benefits of their other stunning resource, baltic amber jewelry.

Baltic amber works like a natural ibuprofen, reducing inflammation and swelling while easing aches and pains. When in contact with body heat, the amber releases an oil called succinic acid, an alkalinizing acid that may lower the body’s acidity (and certainly doesn’t raise it). It’s a mild pain reliever, but the lighter and less polished the amber, the stronger it is. While not many patients have tried the amber to ease cancer symptoms, it is possible that stronger amber might be very helpful for pain issues that come with cancer. The amber does help on small levels to boost immune systems and energy levels, which is always excellent news!


Hazelaid (along with FFLB) would love to know if and how our stylish Beauties find relief with this jewelry. In the course of our discussions, the company generously agreed to give away a free piece of jewelry to one lucky Beauty! Plus, a second Beauty will receive a 40% off code that can be applied in a transaction of up to three items from Hazelaid.

Even if you don’t win, or if you’re not a Living Beauty but have interest in Hazelaid, we have good news! All of our readers can get 10% off their purchases by using the code Foundationforlivingbeautiful10. Thank you to Hazelaid for joining our wonderful community of facilitators and sponsors. We look forward to extending more wonderful, holistic and fresh ideas!

To enter the contest, please email [email protected] with your own holistic tips and suggestions. Name a product, recipe, holistic expert or exercise that has helped you, and tell us how we can get more information! Your suggestions will help us continue building a forum to help other Beauties. Include your name and preferred phone number. Two winners will be chosen completely randomly after verification in our database. We also ask that our product winner keeps us posted on how the jewelry helps so that we can pass on the info!

Thank you for participating in a community of Living Beauty! Think this could help a friend? Pass it along and get them in touch with our staff. Feel inspired to donate? Check out how here.