Thrive Causemetics Named New Product After Our Original Living Beauty Joni

The Founder of The Foundation for Living Beauty, Amie Satchu, and her mom Joni.

The Founder of The Foundation for Living Beauty, Amie Satchu, and her mom Joni.


Thrive Causemetics has launched a product named after our Original Living Beauty, Joni!

We are so incredibly excited to announce that Thrive Causemetics has launched a new shade of their Infinite Waterproof Eyeshadow Stick and named it after Joni, our original Living Beauty and the beautiful mom of our founder Amie Satchu! Amie was inspired to start The Foundation for Living Beauty as a way to help Joni on her journey with Multiple Myeloma. The Foundation was created to give women with cancer access to free wellness and support services that would improve their quality of life after a cancer diagnosis.


Thrive Infinite Waterproof Eyeshadow Stick in the shade Joni, a beautiful shimmery blue.

Thrive Infinite Waterproof Eyeshadow Stick in the shade Joni, a beautiful shimmery blue.


Thrive Causemetics was founded by CEO Karissa Bodnar and is a brand that is passionate about empowering communities. Through their Bigger Than Beauty™ program, Thrive partners with nonprofits and for every product purchased, they donate to help communities thrive. They are a generous supporter of the Foundation for Living Beauty providing free products to our Living Beauties, helping to improve the quality of life of hundreds of women with cancer!

We are so excited to be able to honor our guiding light, Joni, in this way!



In 2005, Amie Satchu honored her mother Joni’s journey with Multiple Myeloma by creating the Foundation for Living Beauty. The “Original Living Beauty” Joni was the kind of person whose spirit radiated love and acceptance. She made everyone feel like she was your best friend. With her mother as the driving force, The Foundation for Living Beauty was born and Amie’s mission to provide emotional and physical support to women with cancer became her central focus and passion.

Although the Foundation’s original intent was to focus on “look good, feel good” events, it rapidly became much more, meeting the complex emotional and physical needs of women cancer patients, called “Living Beauties.” Living Beauty was born out of a need to find community and holistic wellness programs that weren’t available at the time. What started out as a small sisterhood that created healing energy for one another, has since grown and transformed into over 150 wellness events a year, serving over 1200 women. The essence of our programs has remained to this day: that the power of community and addressing the mind, body and spirit are an essential part of the healing journey.

Through Joni’s personal journey, a social worker herself, the organization has learned the value and importance of creating a strong support system for the women it serves and understands how that support can impact their quality of life and health outcomes.

Joni’s graceful and vibrant spirit transcends time. Her legacy lives on in the magic that is The Foundation for Living Beauty. We are honored to celebrate her and each and every Living Beauty!


Living Beauty Founder Amie testing out the new product!

Living Beauty Founder Amie testing out the new product!


When asked about Joni, Amie shared the love, light and legacy that her mom left with The Foundation for Living Beauty.

“Those who have met my mother know what kind of outrageously beautiful soul she is. Through her 8-year cancer journey, she inspired us all by transforming her pain and suffering into hope. She inspired a community of women to let light filter in through the cracks of the darkness of a cancer diagnosis.

The Foundation for Living Beauty took shape by responding to her need and longing for quality of life in the physically and emotionally exhausting cancer journey. With the advancement of cancer treatments, more women are left struggling to understand how to live with the taxing effects long term. I have great pride that my mother’s legacy is the guiding light that allows Living Beauty to educate, uplift and inspire these women to thrive and heal along their cancer journey. It is also this guiding light that leads our Living Beauties out of the emotional isolation of cancer and into each other’s supportive and nurturing arms.

Mommy, thank you for the gift you have left us. Your spirit will always shine on as our eternal Living Beauty.”

–Amie Satchu

You can purchase the Infinite Waterproof Eyeshadow Stick™ in the shade Joni here!

You can learn more about how to support The Foundation for Living Beauty and the vital work we do to support women with cancer here.


2 replies
  1. Erica A Prichard
    Erica A Prichard says:

    I have been fighting cancer for a year, it’s in fourth stage and I’m trying everything to help my young daughter to understand.

    • Jade O'Keefe
      Jade O'Keefe says:

      Hi Erica! A cancer diagnosis is not only a challenge for the diagnosed, but can be difficult for their loved ones as well. May we invite you to visit our Resources page, where you will find resources not only for individuals diagnosed with cancer, but also their family and caregivers. If you are a registered Living Beauty, you may also find useful our workshops that from time to time touch on this subject. Thank you for visiting and be well!


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